Charlie Senack

Charlie Senack is the editor of the Kitchissippi Times, a vibrant community newspaper serving Ottawa's west end. With a deep passion for local storytelling, Charlie has dedicated his career to amplifying the voices of the Ottawa community and uncovering the stories that matter most to its residents. Known for his journalistic integrity and creative flair, Charlie brings energy and insight to every issue, fostering connections and shining a spotlight on the people, places, and events that make Ottawa unique.

Kitchissippi mystery authors share their latest works

Don Butler Island Park area resident Don Butler drew inspiration from his former Ottawa Citizen...

Preston Streets history preserved though Italian Canadian Historical Centre

When Italian immigrants first settled in Ottawa, it wasn’t actually on Preston Street.  Some of...

Ottawa Jewish Centre holds service to mark one year anniversary of Oct. 7 attacks

It was a somber moment at the Infinity Convention Centre on Oct. 7 as...

A list of fall activities in Ottawa this October

Looking to take in the fall experience? here is a list of events you...

New music festival looks to take on the homelessness crisis

A new music festival in Ottawa is looking to introduce arts lovers to Canadian-made...

Friends of the Farm pens new book to profile Arboretum trees 

Each tree in the Dominion Arboretum has a story and a purpose.  Yet when most...
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Changes to Belltown Arena will put pressure on other rinks, say hockey leagues

For almost 45 years, a spaceship-looking dome near Britannia Beach has been a community...

Are police pushing drug users into Somerset?

It’s a Thursday evening in late August, and paramedics are responding to an overdose...

From streetcars to condos: Preston Street is changing

 When Joe Cotroneo was a child, streetcars still ran down Preston Street.  The owner of...

Humans: Who knew Spider-Man lived in Westboro?

Jeffrey Larocque is a federal office employee by day and Spider-Man by night. When...

Naqvi and Harden could face off again in next federal election

 There could be a sense of déjà-vu in Ottawa Centre politics during the next...

Granny advocates take to the Chief William Commanda Bridge for HIV/AIDS

Ottawa grannies will be crossing the Chief William Commanda Bridge on Sept. 8 to...
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