
Meet Chairman George, the Britannia resident who’s a superstar in China

 There is a crisp fall breeze in the air as George Sapounidis sits down...

Highjinx: A social enterprise born out of frustration and anger

You may have stumbled into a busy storefront at 290 Kent Street and been...

Upcoming theatre performances at the Gladstone Theatre and Great Canadian Theatre Company

Summer might be over, but that doesn’t mean the fun is over. Theater companies...

Ottawa music venues look to make the city less boring

For decades Ottawa has been painted as a boring government town, a place where...

Meet Hintonburg food and travel writer Jordan Pizzuti

 Hintonburg resident Jordan Pizzuti is a seasoned food and travel writer who has a...

Ottawa Seniors Pride Network creates safe space for shared lived experiences

It’s a Saturday afternoon and a group of older adults are gathering at the...
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Mapping the losses of Kitchissippi families in the 20th century wars

By Dave O'Malley and Jamie McLennan Young men and women who are killed on active...

West Wellington’s Giant Tiger owner retires after three decades 

Described as a pillar of Hintonburg, Giant Tiger’s long-time manager retired this fall after...

Kitchissippi mystery authors share their latest works

Don Butler Island Park area resident Don Butler drew inspiration from his former Ottawa Citizen...

Preston Streets history preserved though Italian Canadian Historical Centre

When Italian immigrants first settled in Ottawa, it wasn’t actually on Preston Street.  Some of...

New music festival looks to take on the homelessness crisis

A new music festival in Ottawa is looking to introduce arts lovers to Canadian-made...

Friends of the Farm pens new book to profile Arboretum trees 

Each tree in the Dominion Arboretum has a story and a purpose.  Yet when most...
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