We’re getting to know our neighbours! People on Preston? is a collection of street portraits and short interviews with merchants, residents and patrons who live, work and play on Preston Street. There will be six new stories each week. Click on an image below, or click here to see all of the People on Preston stories in one place.

“My father had a business for 27 years on Booth Street. A garage. I was raised just down the street on Bayswater. The development’s good for business. My best friend owns a restaurant down the street; Allegro.” (Read More)

“I purchased La Favorita in 1988. It was only take-out and delivery. I introduced a real wood burning stove and unique seafood pizzas and calzones. In those days they weren’t very popular.” (Read More)

“We’re hoping with the density will come the amenities we need in this neighbourhood. All the properties on Preston are pretty small. So to get a grocery store you’d have to assemble so many properties that it’s not viable.” (Read More)

“I was always serving in restaurants. I went to university and got my undergrad in political science. I never used it and realized I’d rather be doing what I liked. I actually really enjoyed serving. (Read More)