Your Kitchissippi Ward election quick reference card

Screen Shot 2014-09-23 at 1.52.11 PMThe next municipal election will be taking place on Monday October 27, 2014. Voters will be electing a Mayor, City Councillors and school board Trustees.

Check out the websites of the candidates for Kitchissippi Ward:

The nominated candidates for the different school boards are listed here.

In the Kitchissippi Times

In case you’re wondering

Good to know

The City of Ottawa has created a free app that allows users to stay up-to-date with the latest election information. You can get the details about that, as well as a link to download, right here.

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Twitter is a great way to keep tabs on the election, just follow the conversation at #OttVotes. You can also follow the Kitchissippi candidates all in one place via our Twitter list.

Did you miss the final all-candidate’s debate on Oct.6? You can watch it right here.

Other links of interest for voters