
New business vandalized after opening day in Westboro

By Charlie Senack  A Westboro business is working to recover after its windows were smashed,...

Westboro Villager: Shop OUR Village

After more than a year of struggling through various lock downs, shutdowns and stay...

Lincoln looks back on first year with Westboro Village BIA

By Charlie Senack  It’s been one year since Judy Lincoln took on the role of...

Walkable Ottawa weighs in on Hintonburg and Westboro walkability

By Alvin Tsang Kitchissippi is seeing increasing interest for walkable neighbourhoods. Walkable Ottawa is an initiative...

Westboro Villager: Changing seasons, challenging times

Submitted by the Westboro Village BIA.  It has been just over a year since we...
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After a ‘trying year,’ The SconeWitch opens Westboro location

By Matthew Horwood Despite a year of setbacks, The SconeWitch is finally serving fresh pastries...

‘Look out for Moissy:’ Westboro’s newest jewellery store set to sparkle

By Maureen McEwan A global pandemic hasn’t slowed Colleen Montague down. The co-owner of Moissy...

Batter Up Bakery moves in, making Westboro home plate

By Maureen McEwan This October, Batter Up Bakery opened its doors in Kitchissippi. The custom...

Early Days: The 20th century tale of the Churchill Avenue police station

By Dave Allston Now a neighbourhood in central Ottawa, there was a time when Westboro...

Westboro’s Flowers Talk Tivoli turns online workshops into national sales

By Matthew Horwood For Elizabeth Young of Flowers Talk Tivoli, what started as a simple...

There’s a new martial arts school in town

A new business has arrived in Westboro that can teach you skills to defend...
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