KT Sponsored

BRAND NEW! Shampoo Hair Salon by Danny Gerges

This Kitchissippi Times article is sponsored.  Introducing a brand new salon-spa by Danny Gerges, est....

Dovercourt: A cautious and creative reopening

This Kitchissippi Times article is sponsored.  Submitted by Dovercourt staff.  Like many businesses and organizations, we...

RANDALL’S: Your one-stop decorating shop

This Kitchissippi Times article is sponsored.  It’s true…Randall’s has been decorating Ottawa and area since...

Westboro Villager: In This Together

This Kitchissippi Times article is sponsored. Hello! The past few months have definitely knocked the wind...

Sponsored: We’ve got you covered!

As you've heard, the City of Ottawa has made masks required wearing in all...