Dave Allston

Dave Allston is the senior asset manager (heritage) at National Defence, where he has worked in various capacities, including almost six years managing small team performing data quality and analysis on the National Defence portfolio, and five years as acting chief, IE Business and Data Support. He is also the returning officer for Ottawa Centre with Elections Ontario. Dave has a strong interest in local history and, since 1998, has been operating Houstalgia Research Company, providing historical research and detailed reports on the history of heritage and non-recognized properties, houses and neighbourhoods, as well as social, legal and architectural studies of properties over a 200-year period. In 2015, he began writing for the Kitchissippi Times community newspaper, and launched his own history blog, the Kitchissippi Museum. Dave has been a guest speaker for many groups and organizations, and contributes regularly to many mainstream media groups (such as the CBC and Ottawa Citizen) when a Kitchissippi-area local history issue arises. He also volunteers at community events, promoting his collection of local historical photos, maps and artifacts, as well as at local seniors’ residences, as well as at local seniors’ residences, conducting genealogical research.

Early Days: The long history of Laroche Park

Laroche Park has always been a significant part of the lives of local residents,...

The original “landmark” building of Wellington Street

One of Kitchissippi’s most important intersections is nearing 100 years in age, and its...

Early Days: Making transit history at Tunney’s Pasture, again

Light rail will soon be arriving in Kitchissippi, changing not only the way the...

Hampton Park: a great example of real estate success (and a nice place to boot)

Hampton Park is a popular, well-established and upscale neighbourhood and parkspace in Ottawa’s west...

Early Days: 80 years of history at the Carleton Tavern

Kitchissippi’s most famous gathering place, the Carleton Tavern, turned 80 this year, and was...

Early Days: How the Queensway came to Kitchissippi

For the past fifty years, the Queensway has been a normal part of life...
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Did you know that Wellington Village was born under a circus tent?

Like most of Kitchissippi, Wellington Village began in its earliest days as a farm. The...